January 11, 2022

Top 14 Predictions for Round 16

Team Ratings for Round 16

The basic method is described on my Department home page.
Here are the team ratings prior to this week’s games, along with the ratings at the start of the season.

Current Rating Rating at Season Start Difference
Stade Toulousain 8.35 6.83 1.50
La Rochelle 8.04 6.78 1.30
Bordeaux-Begles 6.84 5.42 1.40
Lyon Rugby 5.14 4.15 1.00
Clermont Auvergne 4.90 5.09 -0.20
Racing-Metro 92 4.24 6.13 -1.90
Montpellier 3.55 -0.01 3.60
Castres Olympique 0.95 0.94 0.00
Stade Francais Paris 0.15 1.20 -1.10
RC Toulonnais -0.19 1.82 -2.00
Section Paloise -2.64 -2.25 -0.40
Brive -3.45 -3.19 -0.30
USA Perpignan -3.97 -2.78 -1.20
Biarritz -4.54 -2.78 -1.80


Performance So Far

So far there have been 98 matches played, 75 of which were correctly predicted, a success rate of 76.5%.
Here are the predictions for last week’s games.

Game Date Score Prediction Correct
1 Biarritz vs. USA Perpignan Jan 09 23 – 25 6.80 FALSE
2 Brive vs. Bordeaux-Begles Jan 09 19 – 22 -3.90 TRUE
3 Castres Olympique vs. Stade Francais Paris Jan 09 15 – 9 7.40 TRUE
4 Lyon Rugby vs. Section Paloise Jan 09 35 – 10 13.50 TRUE
5 Racing-Metro 92 vs. Clermont Auvergne Jan 09 33 – 28 5.90 TRUE


Predictions for Round 16

Here are the predictions for Round 16. The prediction is my estimated expected points difference with a positive margin being a win to the home team, and a negative margin a win to the away team.

Game Date Winner Prediction
1 Bordeaux-Begles vs. Castres Olympique Jan 30 Bordeaux-Begles 12.40
2 Brive vs. Biarritz Jan 30 Brive 7.60
3 La Rochelle vs. Montpellier Jan 30 La Rochelle 11.00
4 Stade Toulousain vs. Racing-Metro 92 Jan 30 Stade Toulousain 10.60
5 USA Perpignan vs. Lyon Rugby Jan 30 Lyon Rugby -2.60
6 Section Paloise vs. Clermont Auvergne Jan 31 Clermont Auvergne -1.00
7 Stade Francais Paris vs. RC Toulonnais Jan 31 Stade Francais Paris 6.80


Rugby Premiership Predictions for Round 14

Team Ratings for Round 14

The basic method is described on my Department home page.
Here are the team ratings prior to this week’s games, along with the ratings at the start of the season.

Current Rating Rating at Season Start Difference
Exeter Chiefs 4.76 7.35 -2.60
Saracens 3.91 -5.00 8.90
Leicester Tigers 2.01 -6.14 8.10
Harlequins 1.65 -1.08 2.70
Wasps 1.49 5.66 -4.20
Sale Sharks 1.33 4.96 -3.60
Gloucester 0.87 -1.02 1.90
Northampton Saints 0.01 -2.48 2.50
Bristol -1.85 1.28 -3.10
London Irish -4.05 -8.05 4.00
Bath -5.38 2.14 -7.50
Newcastle Falcons -6.83 -3.52 -3.30
Worcester Warriors -9.54 -5.71 -3.80


Performance So Far

So far there have been 76 matches played, 38 of which were correctly predicted, a success rate of 50%.
Here are the predictions for last week’s games.

Game Date Score Prediction Correct
1 Bristol vs. Sale Sharks Jan 08 32 – 15 -0.50 FALSE
2 Harlequins vs. Exeter Chiefs Jan 09 14 – 12 1.30 TRUE
3 Newcastle Falcons vs. Northampton Saints Jan 09 8 – 44 1.10 FALSE
4 Saracens vs. Gloucester Jan 09 24 – 25 8.60 FALSE
5 Bath vs. Worcester Warriors Jan 10 22 – 19 9.40 TRUE
6 Wasps vs. Leicester Tigers Jan 10 16 – 13 4.20 TRUE


Predictions for Round 14

Here are the predictions for Round 14. The prediction is my estimated expected points difference with a positive margin being a win to the home team, and a negative margin a win to the away team.

Game Date Winner Prediction
1 Bath vs. Harlequins Jan 29 Harlequins -2.50
2 London Irish vs. Exeter Chiefs Jan 30 Exeter Chiefs -4.30
3 Newcastle Falcons vs. Gloucester Jan 30 Gloucester -3.20
4 Worcester Warriors vs. Northampton Saints Jan 30 Northampton Saints -5.10
5 Sale Sharks vs. Leicester Tigers Jan 31 Sale Sharks 3.80
6 Wasps vs. Saracens Jan 31 Wasps 2.10


Why screening is hard

The governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis was widely quoted last week as saying

 “Before COVID did anyone go out and seek testing to determine if they were sick? It’s usually you feel like you’re sick and you get tested to determine what you maybe have come down with.” 

As most people will know, the answer is “yes, they did”.  You can’t get near a doctor without having your blood pressure measured, because high blood pressure is common, not obvious without testing, and treatable.  There are tests performed on infants (for genetic disorders such as PKU and cystic fibrosis), on children (vision and hearing screening), and on the middle-aged and old (cholesterol, glycated hemoglobin, cancer screening). There are tests mainly done for high-risk groups (TB, HIV); there are tests done before you get certain medications (liver or kidney function).   Until 1986, Florida required a test to see if you had syphilis in order to get a marriage license.  Governor DeSantis has since said that of course he knew all that, and it was obvious he had specifically meant daily or weekly testing for a viral respiratory infection was unprecedented, not all the normal and routine ways people seek out testing to determine if they are sick. And who knows? Maybe he did mean that.

In some ways there’s surprisingly little population screening.  Screening has traditionally been popular, because people like knowing things and having explanations.  People often argue for more or say they have discovered a way to do more. There are three big barriers in going from a test you take when you feel like you’re sick and one you give to people in advance.

The first barrier is that you have to be able to do something with the result. There’s no point in taking healthy people and finding some illness unless you can do something about it.  In the endemic-Covid testing setting,  you can isolate and not go infect your workmates or your grandparents or the blokes at the pub or whoever.   In the 2004 SARS outbreak we didn’t have rapid antigen tests, but temperature screening was used to find people who might not realise they had SARS or weren’t looking to find out for some other reason.

The second barrier is the base rate problem. The New York Times had a very good story recently about prenatal genetic testing. This looks for very rare genetic disorders, usually as add-ons when testing for Down’s Syndrome. Because those disorders are very rare, most fetuses don’t have them — even most of those who test positive.  The Times reported on a set of tests where a positive test had an 80% or higher chance of being wrong.  In one sense these tests are very accurate — a negative result is very likely to be correct– but just assuming no-one has these conditions is almost as likely to be correct and has no false positives.  The base-rate problem goes together with the problem of what to do; follow-up tests are expensive.

The base rate problem is also an issue for Covid testing here in New Zealand; in contrast to many parts of the world, we currently have very low community prevalence, so a rapid antigen test positive in someone without symptoms or known exposure would very likely be a false positive.  In Victoria, the opposite is true: the base rate is high enough that the only rapid antigen tests where PCR follow-up is recommended are those in asymptomatic people with no known exposure.

The third barrier is Rose’s Prevention Paradox: for a lot of diseases, most of the cases don’t happen in high-risk people. There are people at very high risk of heart attack (what Rose was interested in), but they account for a relatively small fraction of all heart attacks.  There are people at very high risk of premature birth, but they account for a relatively small fraction of all premature births.  Someone with a blood alcohol of 0.2 has a very high risk of getting in a crash, but most car crashes aren’t like that.

Unlike the base-rate problem, Rose’s Prevention Paradox isn’t universal.  Testing for the common CFTR mutations will pick up most cases of cystic fibrosis; the Ishihara plates pick up most cases of deficient colour vision; most lung cancer is in smokers; most liver cancer in Western countries is in heavy drinkers or people with Hepatitis B or C.

The Covid example of the prevention paradox is the recent and controversial CDC announcement that most (vaccinated) people who get seriously ill from Covid have co-morbidities.  On top of the issue of whether that’s actually a cause for rejoicing, there’s the problem that the majority people who don’t get seriously ill from Covid also have co-morbidities. That is, it’s hard to pick out high risk people.  The CDC defined ‘high risk’ very broadly, so that too  many people are ‘high risk’; if they define it too narrowly, they would miss a lot of the serious Covid cases.

Very early in the pandemic, the estimate was that a Covid case gave you roughly a year’s worth of mortality risk — if everyone got Covid over a period of one year, death rates for that year would be double what they normally are, across a wide range of subgroups.  Omicron is worse than the original strain, but the vaccine helps a lot: vaccinated people are much less likely to die or become hospitalised.  Not getting Covid helps even more; masks, ventilation, distancing, testing, etc.


January 4, 2022

United Rugby Championship Predictions for Week 10

Team Ratings for Week 10

The basic method is described on my Department home page.
Here are the team ratings prior to this week’s games, along with the ratings at the start of the season.

Current Rating Rating at Season Start Difference
Leinster 15.38 14.79 0.60
Munster 10.52 10.69 -0.20
Ulster 7.17 7.41 -0.20
Connacht 3.60 1.72 1.90
Edinburgh 3.04 2.90 0.10
Glasgow 2.98 3.69 -0.70
Bulls 1.98 3.65 -1.70
Sharks 0.97 -0.07 1.00
Ospreys 0.65 0.94 -0.30
Stormers 0.29 0.00 0.30
Cardiff Rugby -0.89 -0.11 -0.80
Scarlets -1.72 -0.77 -1.00
Lions -1.80 -3.91 2.10
Benetton -3.39 -4.50 1.10
Dragons -6.12 -6.92 0.80
Zebre -16.61 -13.47 -3.10


Performance So Far

So far there have been 51 matches played, 37 of which were correctly predicted, a success rate of 72.5%.
Here are the predictions for last week’s games.

Game Date Score Prediction Correct
1 Connacht vs. Munster Jan 02 10 – 8 -2.80 FALSE
2 Scarlets vs. Ospreys Jan 02 22 – 19 2.60 TRUE


Predictions for Week 10

Here are the predictions for Week 10. The prediction is my estimated expected points difference with a positive margin being a win to the home team, and a negative margin a win to the away team.

Game Date Winner Prediction
1 Edinburgh vs. Cardiff Rugby Jan 09 Edinburgh 10.40
2 Glasgow vs. Ospreys Jan 09 Glasgow 8.80
3 Munster vs. Ulster Jan 09 Munster 8.30
4 Scarlets vs. Dragons Jan 09 Scarlets 9.40


Top 14 Predictions for Round 15

Team Ratings for Round 15

The basic method is described on my Department home page.
Here are the team ratings prior to this week’s games, along with the ratings at the start of the season.

Current Rating Rating at Season Start Difference
Stade Toulousain 8.35 6.83 1.50
La Rochelle 8.04 6.78 1.30
Bordeaux-Begles 6.89 5.42 1.50
Clermont Auvergne 4.85 5.09 -0.20
Lyon Rugby 4.74 4.15 0.60
Racing-Metro 92 4.29 6.13 -1.80
Montpellier 3.55 -0.01 3.60
Castres Olympique 1.02 0.94 0.10
Stade Francais Paris 0.07 1.20 -1.10
RC Toulonnais -0.19 1.82 -2.00
Section Paloise -2.24 -2.25 0.00
Brive -3.49 -3.19 -0.30
Biarritz -4.10 -2.78 -1.30
USA Perpignan -4.41 -2.78 -1.60


Performance So Far

So far there have been 93 matches played, 71 of which were correctly predicted, a success rate of 76.3%.
Here are the predictions for last week’s games.

Game Date Score Prediction Correct
1 Clermont Auvergne vs. Stade Toulousain Jan 02 16 – 13 3.00 TRUE
2 Stade Francais Paris vs. USA Perpignan Jan 02 27 – 17 11.10 TRUE
3 Bordeaux-Begles vs. Biarritz Jan 03 30 – 27 18.50 TRUE
4 Castres Olympique vs. La Rochelle Jan 03 31 – 30 -0.70 FALSE
5 Lyon Rugby vs. Racing-Metro 92 Jan 03 37 – 35 7.50 TRUE
6 Section Paloise vs. Brive Jan 03 43 – 20 6.70 TRUE


Predictions for Round 15

Here are the predictions for Round 15. The prediction is my estimated expected points difference with a positive margin being a win to the home team, and a negative margin a win to the away team.

Game Date Winner Prediction
1 Biarritz vs. USA Perpignan Jan 09 Biarritz 6.80
2 Brive vs. Bordeaux-Begles Jan 09 Bordeaux-Begles -3.90
3 Castres Olympique vs. Stade Francais Paris Jan 09 Castres Olympique 7.40
4 Lyon Rugby vs. Section Paloise Jan 09 Lyon Rugby 13.50
5 Racing-Metro 92 vs. Clermont Auvergne Jan 09 Racing-Metro 92 5.90
6 RC Toulonnais vs. La Rochelle Jan 09 La Rochelle -1.70
7 Stade Toulousain vs. Montpellier Jan 10 Stade Toulousain 11.30


Rugby Premiership Predictions for Round 13

Team Ratings for Round 13

The basic method is described on my Department home page.
Here are the team ratings prior to this week’s games, along with the ratings at the start of the season.

Current Rating Rating at Season Start Difference
Exeter Chiefs 4.82 7.35 -2.50
Saracens 4.46 -5.00 9.50
Sale Sharks 2.25 4.96 -2.70
Leicester Tigers 1.92 -6.14 8.10
Harlequins 1.59 -1.08 2.70
Wasps 1.58 5.66 -4.10
Gloucester 0.32 -1.02 1.30
Northampton Saints -1.72 -2.48 0.80
Bristol -2.76 1.28 -4.00
London Irish -4.05 -8.05 4.00
Bath -5.00 2.14 -7.10
Newcastle Falcons -5.10 -3.52 -1.60
Worcester Warriors -9.93 -5.71 -4.20


Performance So Far

So far there have been 70 matches played, 35 of which were correctly predicted, a success rate of 50%.
Here are the predictions for last week’s games.

Game Date Score Prediction Correct
1 Exeter Chiefs vs. Bristol Jan 02 19 – 13 12.90 TRUE
2 Sale Sharks vs. Wasps Jan 02 26 – 18 4.60 TRUE
3 Gloucester vs. Harlequins Jan 03 17 – 20 4.10 FALSE
4 Leicester Tigers vs. Newcastle Falcons Jan 03 31 – 0 9.30 TRUE
5 Northampton Saints vs. Saracens Jan 03 6 – 30 0.80 FALSE


Predictions for Round 13

Here are the predictions for Round 13. The prediction is my estimated expected points difference with a positive margin being a win to the home team, and a negative margin a win to the away team.

Game Date Winner Prediction
1 Bristol vs. Sale Sharks Jan 08 Sale Sharks -0.50
2 Harlequins vs. Exeter Chiefs Jan 09 Harlequins 1.30
3 Newcastle Falcons vs. Northampton Saints Jan 09 Newcastle Falcons 1.10
4 Saracens vs. Gloucester Jan 09 Saracens 8.60
5 Bath vs. Worcester Warriors Jan 10 Bath 9.40
6 Wasps vs. Leicester Tigers Jan 10 Wasps 4.20


January 2, 2022

Asking the same question

According to a poll published in the Washington Post, a substantial majority of Americans think it is never justified for citizens to take violent action against the government. Given the US reverence for George Washington and others who fought in the Revolutionary War, this seems a bit strange. It’s hard to interpret what any particular percentage would mean.

What’s important about the poll is that the percentage is down compared to previous polls with the same question. It’s hard to interpret the level of agreement, but it seems pretty reasonable that a decrease indicates more willingness to consider violence against the government as an option that might come into play in the foreseeable future.  Or, at least, it would be if the polling approach hadn’t also changed, from phone to online, complicating any interpretation of changes.

Similarly, when the poll finds 30% of people claim to think there is solid evidence of widespread electoral fraud in 2020, it’s a bit hard to tell what that really corresponds to — how much is actual belief and how much is going along with a party line.  The fact that it’s about the same percentage as a year ago is more informative, as is the fact that it’s higher than similar questions about past elections.

Asking the same questions over time is a much better way to pick up changes than asking people if their opinion has changed. As a strategy, it can conflict with asking the best question, and that’s an ongoing tension in public opinion research and official statistics.

December 31, 2021

Top non-rugby posts of the year

(The rugby prediction posts, while popular, are most interesting before the games actually happen: predicting the past is relatively easy)

First, the posts, regardless of year of writing, with most 2021 hits

  1.  What’s a Group 1 Carcinogen? (2013) Points out that the IARC classification is not about severity or danger but about the types and amounts of evidence. Sunlight is a Group 1 Carcinogen, so are alcohol and plutonium.
  2. A post about a Lotto strategy that doesn’t work(2012), as an argument about the usefulness of abstract theory. See also, the martingale optional stopping theorem
  3. A climate change post about graphs that shouldn’t have a zero on the y-axis(2015)
  4. From October 2020, but relevant to the news again in March this year, on crime rates in the Cuba/Courtenay area of Wellington and denominators
  5. Actually from July this year, one of the StatsChat Dialogues: Q: Did you see that learning maths can affect your brain? A: Well, yes. There wouldn’t be much point otherwise

And the top 2021-vintage posts

  1. Number 5 from the previous list
  2. From October, on interpreting vaccination percentages
  3. From April, why there’s so much fuss about very rare adverse reactions to vaccines (the AZ blood clots)
  4. From October, why population structure matters to epidemic control, aka, why we need to vaccinate every subgroup. Has pictures!
  5. From June, how a cap-and-trade system for (a subset of) emissions messes up our intuition about other climate interventions.

These are WordPress page views: their relationship to actual readership is complicated; keep in a cool, dry place away from children; may contain nuts.

December 30, 2021

When you have eliminated the impossible…

A gentleman who is Not New Zealand’s Favourite DJ has tested positive for Omicron on his 9th day in NZ, after prior negative tests.  It seems surprising that a positive test could take so long — one theory is that it’s the sort of sporadic positive you can get for a while after recovery.  On the other hand, it’s worth thinking about why it’s surprising.  New Zealand keeps seeing strange Covid occurrences: long incubation period, transmission from very brief contact, and so on. Why us? It’s us because no-one else would be able to tell.

The normal assumption if a London DJ tests positive for Omicron on December 25 is that they got it in London a few days earlier. In this example, ‘a few days earlier’ means Waiheke Island and however he got there from MIQ;  in contrast to almost everywhere else in the world, Omicron isn’t circulating in Auckland.  The week before that he was in MIQ, so the next conclusion is that he got it there; unfortunate but not unprecedented. Without genome sequencing we’d stop there, but his viral genome doesn’t match any of the three he could potentially have picked up in MIQ.  We’re now down to weird possibilities, and the least weird is that he was carrying it all the time. But if he was almost anywhere else in the world, we wouldn’t even be starting to think about the weird possibilities.

It’s fairly easy to estimate the low end of the time-to-positive-test distribution: someone goes to a party; a few days later there are twenty cases; you do the maths. To get the low end you need some cases where you’re sure they couldn’t have been infected before a specific exposure, because they weren’t exposed before then. At the start of an outbreak that’s fairly easy. To get the high end of the distribution you need some cases where you’re sure they couldn’t have been infected after a specific exposure. That’s a much less common scenario, so the data aren’t as good.

December 28, 2021

United Rugby Championship Predictions for Week 9



Team Ratings for Week 9

The basic method is described on my Department home page.
Here are the team ratings prior to this week’s games, along with the ratings at the start of the season.

Current Rating Rating at Season Start Difference
Leinster 15.38 14.79 0.60
Munster 10.95 10.69 0.30
Ulster 7.17 7.41 -0.20
Connacht 3.16 1.72 1.40
Edinburgh 3.04 2.90 0.10
Glasgow 2.98 3.69 -0.70
Bulls 1.98 3.65 -1.70
Sharks 0.97 -0.07 1.00
Ospreys 0.69 0.94 -0.20
Stormers 0.29 0.00 0.30
Cardiff Rugby -0.89 -0.11 -0.80
Scarlets -1.76 -0.77 -1.00
Lions -1.80 -3.91 2.10
Benetton -3.39 -4.50 1.10
Dragons -6.12 -6.92 0.80
Zebre -16.61 -13.47 -3.10


Performance So Far

So far there have been 49 matches played, 36 of which were correctly predicted, a success rate of 73.5%.
Here are the predictions for last week’s games.

Game Date Score Prediction Correct
1 Zebre vs. Benetton Dec 25 14 – 39 -6.40 TRUE


Predictions for Week 9

Here are the predictions for Week 9. The prediction is my estimated expected points difference with a positive margin being a win to the home team, and a negative margin a win to the away team.

Game Date Winner Prediction
1 Dragons vs. Cardiff Rugby Jan 02 Cardiff Rugby -0.20
2 Connacht vs. Munster Jan 02 Munster -2.80
3 Scarlets vs. Ospreys Jan 02 Scarlets 2.60
4 Ulster vs. Leinster Jan 02 Leinster -3.20
5 Benetton vs. Zebre Jan 03 Benetton 18.20
6 Edinburgh vs. Glasgow Jan 03 Edinburgh 5.10