Infographic of the week
Via @keith_ng, this masterpiece showing that more searches for help lead to more language. Or something.
It’s not, sadly, unusual to see numbers being used just for ordering, but in this case the numbers don’t even agree with the vertical ordering. And several of them aren’t, actually, languages. And the headline is just bogus.
This version, by Kevin Marks (@kevinmarks), at least is accurate and readable.
but it’s hard to tell how much of Java’s dominance is due to it being popular versus being confusing.
Adam Bard has data on the most popular languages on the huge open-source software repository GitHub. This isn’t quite the right denominator, since Stack Overflow users aren’t quite the same population as GitHub users, but it’s something. Assigning iOS, Android, and Rails, to Objective-C, Java, and Ruby respectively, and scaling by GitHub popularity, we find that C# has the most StackOverflow queries per GitHub commit; Objective-C and Java have about two-thirds as many. In the end, though, this data isn’t going to tell you much about either high-demand programming skills or the relative friendliness of different programming languages.