Painkillers and dementia
Q: Did you see that ibuprofen prevents dementia?
A: No
Q: Common 3p anti-inflammatory pill ‘can help prevent dementia’ says new study. And Prolonged Use Of Anti-Inflammatory Pills May Help Prevent Dementia: Study. And…
A: No
Q: Those quotes in the first headline imply someone really said it
A: Well, that used to be the convention, but apparently not in this case.
Q: Mice?
A: No, not mice. People
Q: Correlations, or randomised trials?
A: Correlations
Q: Is there a paper?
A: There is a paper.
Q: Has anyone looked at this correlation before?
A: Oh my yes. So many people. There are even randomised trials. The Cochrane Review says “no evidence that it works, and it may be dangerous”
Q: What do the scientists say about that?
A: The trials were too short to show the effect, or they started too late in the disease process.
Q: Is that possible?
A: Sure, it’s possible. Lots of things are possible.
Q: So you don’t believe the paper?
A: It’s a perfectly reasonable paper for consenting scientists in private (I know some of the authors), but it doesn’t justify the recommendation of long-term treatment with these drugs for the prevention of dementia, especially given the potential adverse effects
Q: Well, that’s your opinion. What do the scientists who wrote the paper say?
A: Our results.. do not justify the recommendation of long-term treatment with NSAIDs for the prevention of dementia, given its potential adverse effects.