Common exposures are common
Q: Did you hear that pizza boxes are going to stop the Covid vaccine working?
A: You mean people will mistakenly store the vaccine in pizza boxes instead of ultracold deep freeze?
Q: No, research shows that pizza boxes and lots of other things contain chemicals that stop vaccines working. According to the Guardian.
A: Even the Guardian says “At this stage we don’t know if it will impact a corona vaccination”
Q: And is that true?
A: No.
Q: What?
A: The story says these chemicals are ubiquitous, with the majority of people being exposed.
Q: Yes, that’s the scary part
A: So people in the Covid vaccine trials will also have been exposed.
Q: I suppose so?
A: The trials estimate the effect of the vaccines in a reasonably diverse group of people from the US population. If polybathroomfloorine, or anything else widespread, has an adverse effect on the vaccines, that’s already baked in to the trial results.
Q: So without the chemicals, the vaccines might have been, say, 95% effective?
A: If you believe there’s a relationship, yes, that’s what you’d think.