Cycling for work or play
Auckland Transport publish data from cycle counters on various bike paths. They’re most interested in trends over time (increasing) and perhaps in seasonal variation (more in summer).
Here’s a look at weekday vs weekend counts using data from the start of 2016 to now (click to embiggen).
There are some paths that are clearly used primarily by commuters, with more than twice the average traffic on a weekday vs weekend. There are also some that are mostly used at the weekend, such as Matakana, Upper Harbour, and Mangere Bridge. And some, like the Lightpath, that get used all the time.
Note: while it’s great that Auckland Transport publishes these data, the data would be easier to reuse if the names they used for each counter were consistent over time (eg: “Tamaki Dr” vs “Tamaki Drive”, or “Nelson Street Lightpath Counter Cyclists” vs “Nelson Street Lightpath Cyclists”)
Thomas Lumley (@tslumley) is Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Auckland. His research interests include semiparametric models, survey sampling, statistical computing, foundations of statistics, and whatever methodological problems his medical collaborators come up with. He also blogs at Biased and Inefficient See all posts by Thomas Lumley »
Simply putting a percentage does not provide any real information. How many cyclists in Hopetoun before? Have there be any changes in surrounding route like roadworks, one-way introduction, traffic signal changes etc that means cycle traffic has just shifted.
Providing an AT link saying its all there you go look for it is sloppy and disingeneous — especially given your academic chops stated your bio.
7 years ago
That’s a weekday vs weekend comparison for the weekdays and weekends over the same 26 month period. The most plausible explanation for a weekday vs weekend difference that I could think of is commuters. You haven’t come up with another one — I hope you’re planning to do so.
Also, I don’t see why you have a problem with providing links to the data used. I routinely do, and routinely mention it when other people do. Everyone should do it. Even people you personally disagree with.
7 years ago
But I have gone ahead and had a detailed look. AT statistics shown below do not show any significant conclusions can be drawn except to say it fluctuates around an average of around “4300” trips and no major increases.
And ATs definition of trips makes itsound like a big number. “Trips” can be used to roughly extrapolate how many real people actually use the route per day. Assume two trips per day i.e. to and fro, and 22 working week days per month, that is 97 cyclists per day (4300 divided by 2 and then divided by 22) . Compared that to people using other modes of travel ?
7 years ago
Yes that’s right. If anyone had said or implied that it was a substantial fraction of Auckland commuters you’d have a good point.
7 years ago
Hopetoun street
Nov-15 4,835
Dec-15 3,911
Jan-16 4,046
Feb-16 5,008
Mar-16 5,407
Apr-16 4,706
May-16 4,654
Jun-16 3,978
Jul-16 3,890
Aug-16 4,225
Sep-16 3,990
Oct-16 4,176
Nov-16 3,817
Dec-16 3,918
Jan-17 3,628
Feb-17 4,688
Mar-17 5,435
Apr-17 3,927
May-17 4,781
Jun-17 4,133
Jul-17 3,451
Aug-17 4,167
Sep-17 4,029
Oct-17 4,087
Nov-17 5,025
Dec-17 4,330
7 years ago
Yes, that’s the data I linked to. I prefer sources in a format that’s convenient for data analysis, but having it in other formats too is ok.
7 years ago
So what was the point of your post ? That weekday figures are different from weekend figures ? It does not take a genius to figure “commuters”. And how is it relevant, material ?
Adding just a link demands the readers to do a lot of extra work. If you are posting to make a point you need to to make the post self contained and suitable for your reader. Especially the average reader who won’t be bothered to follow up.
I reached your page through a link on Kiwiblog. I thought he listed good/useful ones. On this topic, I can’t see what it added to any discussion. So I am exiting this conversation. Have a great Easter weekend.
7 years ago
I think Durden posted two days to early.
But, yeah, Kiwiblog – “Fomenting Happy Mischief since 2003”.
With that attitude every day must be like the 1rst April.
7 years ago
Unlike others I welcome the chance to dive in deeper and find out more for myself.
Interesting that Feb 18 trips were down 1.9% over Feb 17, but the previous 12 months were up 3.7%. Could that be the effect of a wetter Feb this year? Overall trip number decline in winter compared to summer.
7 years ago