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March 28, 2018

Cycling for work or play

Auckland Transport publish data from cycle counters on various bike paths. They’re most interested in trends over time (increasing) and perhaps in seasonal variation (more in summer).

Here’s a look at weekday vs weekend counts using data from the start of 2016 to now (click to embiggen).

There are some paths that are clearly used primarily by commuters, with more than twice the average traffic on a weekday vs weekend. There are also some that are mostly used at the weekend, such as Matakana, Upper Harbour, and Mangere Bridge.  And some, like the Lightpath, that get used all the time.

Note: while it’s great that Auckland Transport publishes these data, the data would be easier to reuse if the names they used for each counter were consistent over time (eg: “Tamaki Dr” vs “Tamaki Drive”, or “Nelson Street Lightpath Counter Cyclists” vs “Nelson Street Lightpath Cyclists”)