Non-bogus non-random polling
As you know, one of the public services StatsChat provides is whingeing about bogus polls in the media, at least when they are used to anchor stories rather than just being decorative widgets on the webpage. This attitude doesn’t (or doesn’t necessarily) apply to polls that make no effort to collect a non-random sample but do make serious efforts to reduce bias by modelling the data. Personally, I think it would be better to apply these modelling techniques on top of standard sampling approaches, but that might not be feasible. You can’t do everything.
I’ve been prompted to write this by seeing Andrew Gelman and David Rothschild’s reasonable and measured response (and also Andrew’s later reasonable and less measured response) to a statement from the American Association for Public Opinion Research. The AAPOR said
This week, the New York Times and CBS News published a story using, in part, information from a non-probability, opt-in survey sparking concern among many in the polling community. In general, these methods have little grounding in theory and the results can vary widely based on the particular method used. While little information about the methodology accompanied the story, a high level overview of the methodology was posted subsequently on the polling vendor’s website. Unfortunately, due perhaps in part to the novelty of the approach used, many of the details required to honestly assess the methodology remain undisclosed.
As the responses make clear, the accusation about transparency of methods is unfounded. The accusation about theoretical grounding is the pot calling the kettle black. Standard survey sampling theory is one of my areas of research. I’m currently writing the second edition of a textbook on it. I know about its grounding in theory.
The classical theory applies to most of my applied sampling work, which tends to involve sampling specimen tubes from freezers. The theoretical grounding does not apply when there is massive non-response, as in all political polling. It is an empirical observation based on election results that carefully-done quota samples and reweighted probability samples of telephones give pretty good estimates of public opinion. There is no mathematical guarantee.
Since classical approaches to opinion polling work despite massive non-response, it’s reasonable to expect that modelling-based approaches to non-probability data will also work, and reasonable to hope that they might even work better (given sufficient data and careful modelling). Whether they do work better is an empirical question, but these model-based approaches aren’t a flashy new fad. Rod Little, who pioneered the methods AAPOR is objecting to, did so nearly twenty years before his stint as Chief Scientist at the US Census Bureau, an institution not known for its obsession with the latest fashions.
In some settings modelling may not be feasible because of a lack of population data. In a few settings non-response is not a problem. Neither of those applies in US political polling. It’s disturbing when the president of one of the largest opinion-polling organisations argues that model-based approaches should not be referenced in the media, and that’s even before considering some of the disparaging language being used.
“Don’t try this at home” might have been a reasonable warning to pollers without access to someone like Andrew Gelman. “Don’t try this in the New York Times” wasn’t.