September 10, 2012

Stat of the Week Competition Discussion: September 8 – 14 2012

If you’d like to comment on or debate any of this week’s Stat of the Week nominations, please do so below!


Rachel Cunliffe is the co-director of CensusAtSchool and currently consults for the Department of Statistics. Her interests include statistical literacy, social media and blogging. See all posts by Rachel Cunliffe »


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    Julie Middleton

    Re the interactive Herald map: I posted Michael’s comments to the Kiwi Journalists Association and got a helpful reply from the Herald’s online boss, Jeremy Rees:
    “All good points. Bear in mind that this graph, created with help from Esri, is a work in progress. The first iteration, which has gone live, is simply a representation of total crime, by Police districts. The second phase, we are working on now, will break crime down by population in the Police District. The third phase will be proportionak by mesh block and suburb, rather than Police Districts. And the fourth and fifth iterations will have further features. You and Keith are right; the circles aren’t in proportion. We have to use the much-referenced “cartographic licence” since the raw data ranges from one to more than 10,000 crimes per district making it harder to keep exactly proportional. Of course, the further versions will be much closer to proportional as we move into crimes per head of population. Hope this helps. Happy to discuss the values we used to work the data, should you want it.”

    13 years ago