Data visualisation links worth exploring
Brain Pickings has compiled a fantastic list of 7 books on data visualisation from the speakers at the eyeo festival.
Once you’ve explored those, jump over to eyeo‘s website to be linked to some incredible people in the data visualisation field, including:
Moritz Stefaner who worked on the OECD Better life project and Google’s Think Quarterly – both previously blogged about here on Stats Chat; Ben Fry of Fathom, Adam Bly of Visualizing, Amanda Cox who creates beautiful graphics for the New York Times, and Nicholas Felton. All their sites are well worth a visit.
eyeo was partly sponsored by which launches this week and promises to showcase more than 2,000 visualisations and enable people to create their own web-based infographics and visualisations.
And, for more fascinating visualisations, visit Data Insight – a recently held data visualisation competition.
Rachel Cunliffe is the co-director of CensusAtSchool and currently consults for the Department of Statistics. Her interests include statistical literacy, social media and blogging. See all posts by Rachel Cunliffe »
I’m surprised that not a single book by Tufte has made the list. Beautiful Evidence is a great read and would fit well on most coffee tables. Envisioning Information is a fascinating HOWTO book on laying out information beautifully and legibly.
14 years ago